The area chosen is the block compressed by the streets Barão da Gamboa, Cardoso Marinho, Santo Cristo and the street are to be created by the new plan, linking the Largo José Francisco Fraga to the other side of the hill, at the street Rêgo Barros, through a tunnel.
Actually the area host a favela, composed by 32 units, the remains of the São Pedro Church, architectural heritage, 75 established construction between mid-class housing and portuguese colonial style townhouses and lacks of green space, which evidences the dense occupation. There is also the provisory presence of a concrete factory, which supports the Porto Maravilha urban intervention.
The spatial structure is defined by the surrounded streets, as well by narrow pass ways that divides the block in 8 smaller portions. Seven of them are occupied in a fairly organized way, leaving the eighth portion to be shared by the favela, a worship space belonging to the universal church, the ruins of the São Pedro Church (architectural heritage) and the provisory factory installations.
The entire block share the mix use concept, hosting small business, services and residential spaces, occurrence very typical in favelas or mid-classes areas in Brazil, what configures in a fairly balance environment.
The space lacks of any kind of urban equipment or open spaces, even having the Villa Olimpica da Gamboa across the street, due the fact that the sportive complex is close to the community, trapping its potential. Whence, for the proposal success is crucial a good integration between spaces.